You were born unique. You were created to stand out. Don’t just Be In. Its more about Being True. Being You. It’s time to unleash the real you. Unleash your reality!
BUM launches a promo website which centers on the hashtag #showitoff, and calls for everyone to post their selfies that showcase who they really are, their unique fashion style, their true sexuality, their real passion — raw, unedited, honest.
And by joining their #showitoff Selfie Challenge, you might get achance to win a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3!
Contest runs from February 1, 2014 until March 14, 2014 at 12mn. The announcement of the winners is on March 15, 2014 at 5:00pm.
Take a selfie in the most creative and original way you can think of.
On your post, please use #showitoff hashtag for entries to be valid.
Tell us how real you are in a sentence.
You can post photos of how real you are; either from home, school, work or anyplace.
You can post multi-entries in a day as long as DIFFERENT selfies are featured.
The most creative photo and catchy reason will win!
The best selfie photo from all the entries will win a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 WIFI 7″.
Management decision is final.