Did you know the 9/10 children up to 12 years old suffer from fever once every 6 months?
Moms know that there are fewer things that hamper the joys of motherhood than seeing one’s child in pain and down with fever. When children are weak and tired, it can be difficult to build memories and play with them, and every mom struggles to find fast relief. Mothers want only what’s best for their children and they strive to find a partner they can trust and rely on to bring their precious ones back to their lively selves.
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), one of the world’s leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, is committed to improving the quality of life by enabling people to do more, feel better, and live longer. GSK provides moms with a fast solution for their child’s fever.
Doctor-recommended Paracetamol (Calpol®) is a mother’s trusted and caring partner in providing effective fever relief for children.
Calpol®, a product of GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, contains Paracetamol specially formulated to offer effective relief from the discomforts of pain and fever among children. When used as directed, Calpol® also has the broad suitability is certainly safe and will not harm your child.

Whenever a child is down with fever or any pain, there is only one thing on a mom’s mind: ginhawa.
With the science-driven expertise of Paracetamol (Calpol®), moms are assured that their children receive mommy-approved soothing relief.
As a celebration and commitment to mothers, Paracetamol (Calpol®) launches the Go Ginhawa Mom Movement, a community of moms who advocate providing only the best care for their children.
Moms can now easily connect with other Go Ginhawa Moms and be updated with tips on how to give “ginhawa na maaasahan”. Moms will have access to educational videos and blogs to help them manage their children’s fever.
Aside from this, Ginhawa Moms will be first to be informed of exciting promos from Paracetamol (Calpol®). They will also get the chance to win fever management tools that they can use to help give ginhawa to their kids from fever. Go Ginhawa Moms promises to equip moms with the right products, proper knowledge and the right tools to help bring relief and ginhawa to their children.
Paracetamol (Calpol®) has also named its three Go Ginhawa Moms — actress Jolina Magdangal Escueta, blogger Jackie Go, and TV host and news personality Suzi Entrata-Abrera, all hands-on mothers who always put their children first.

First-time mom Jolina is a very hands-on mom, who seeks only the best for her one-year-old son Pele. She says: “I am a hands-on mom, I even bring him to work so I try to do everything for Pele, and that includes making sure he gets the best medicine when needed.” She also shares how worried she was when Pele fell ill and had his first fever experience. “He just had fever, I didn’t know it was like that. It was hard, I almost cried because he was so weak. And I’m not used to seeing him like that.” Having a doctor-recommended solution she can trust was key to Pele’s recovery.

As a mother of two, Jackie says that motherhood is the best thing that has ever happened to her. “My children have made my heart more grateful than ever. They are my teachers and they have made me realize that life is a constant process of learning. Motherhood has made me a better person,” she says. That’s why it is important for Jackie to find instant relief for her kids Gabbie, 5, and Juro, 2 when they exposed to sickness. She says, “Now that my kids are interacting with other children, they’ve become more prone to contracting viruses and getting sick. I need something that will help them regain their happy, healthy selves fast so they can go back to enjoying their childhood.”

Expert mom Suzi, also talks about how being a mother has made her more selfless. She says: “My focus is no longer about myself. It’s now caring about my kids, and my husband as well,” Suzi says. She takes care of daughters Leona (11 years old), Jade (10 years old), and Nella (9 years old) as she hosts the talk show Full Time Moms.
Suzi finds that older children like hers can be picky with medicine flavors. “Taste never used to be an issue but now that they have their own preferences, my daughters will only take what they like. I’m glad Paracetamol (Calpol®) has yummy flavors to choose from and I don’t need to force them to take medicine when they’re sick,” she says.
How can you be a #GoGinhawa mom like Jolina, Jackie, and Suzi? Simply Like Calpol®’s Facebook page (http://facebook.com/CalpolPH) and send us via Facebook Private Messanger your full name with contact details and e-mail address as well as your childs name and age, it’s that easy! You can also invite your mommy friends to be part of the community and be the first to get the best ginhawa tips and promos, and even exchange tips and advice on childcare and motherhood.
Enjoy motherhood and your child’s precious moments even when fever hits, with doctor-recommended and every mom’s partner Paracetamol (Calpol®). Because when fever is gone, life takes its place!