At COMIDAChefs, cooking is at a crossroads where everything collides.
COMIDAChefs serves comfort to those who demand new taste, thrills and culinary inventions. There is no limit to what they can go on your burgers. It can be spiked with regional preserves and is served with multi-culti sauces and dips and are shareable food. It is the home of pisco sours and ceviche, more popularly known as ‘kinilaw‘.

Try their healthier menus featuring “inherently nutritious items” full of fiber, omega-3, vitamins, and antioxidants. There’s no word as to whether they will also serve less fat, sodium, or sugar but that’s probably the next attractions. COMIDAChefs brought favorite street dishes and transformed many of these “ethnic” cuisines to become mainstream and expects you to sample even more of them regularly. As a result, it has made COMIDAChefs grow because many attest it has becoming an interesting place to eat.

Danny de la Cuesta, the man behind COMIDAChefs, is a cross channel designer; He design services across several conduits of fine art. Danny de la Cuesta have been designing fashion over 45 years. He curate events, style homes and build up efficient kitchens. He also engineer recipes, cook real food and write with passion and coach best by means of experiential reality training.
“I live for food. Honest food is what I’m in search of. Nothing in a can, nothing in a box, nothing wrapped in plastic or foil. I eat any meat,” says Danny de la Cuesta. “I buy from grassroots who raise animals, fruits or vegetables. I spend my days thinking about new ways to cook. I drink anything fresh or fermented but more importantly, indigenous.”
These Filipino chef is interested in meats, and veggies that people rarely eat nowadays, like wild boar, deer, horse, water buffalo, honeypot ants, goby (Biya), ray (Pagi), sapote, chesa and mabolo.
As a food writer, Danny de la Cuesta’s works has been published in COOK magazine, The Business Mirror, COMMUTER EXPRESS, and several other publications.

COMIDAChefs was formed in 2012 out of the need to provide creative solutions and management consulting to both new and established restaurant operators. Their extensive expertise and commitment to excellence helps build profitable, top-quality operations from the ground up or enhance existing business into fresh, competitive operations.
At COMIDAChefs, they are always evolving as the needs of their clients change and as new opportunities are created in the market place. They will meet the needs of every project through hands-on involvement, thorough analysis and timely action. You can rest assured that, working with their team, you will enjoy the latest services, technology and development in the food industry.

Danny de la Cuesta’s team at COMIDAChefs works alongside senior executives of some of the country’s most successful food service and hospitality companies to visualize plans and implement innovative ideas for jumpstarting the competition in the food service industry.
For more information you may visit COMIDAChefs at 2nd floor 111-A Kamias Rd. Quezon City.