From car-melting skyscrapers to a flooded sinkhole stirring up a ghost town, catch the most bizarre, mind-boggling, even hilarious engineering blunders together with aerospace-engineer-turned –international-engineering-journalist Justin Cunningham. Watch as Cunningham investigates, analyzes and solves construction fiascos via ingenious solutions in Incredible Engineering Blunders: Fixed, a punchy new show premiering on November 11, Wednesday, at 8pm.

Former Navy SEAL Joel Lambert and his team of experts traverse through the plains of Zambia and the frozen ice floes of Norway down to the waters off the coast of South Africa. Encased safely inside their high-grade transparent pod among land and ocean predators, Lambert and his comrades get up close and personal with some of nature’s food chain alphas for up to 24 hours. Catch an insider’s view of these curious creatures with Discovery Channel’s new series, Predator Up Close With Joel Lambert, Tuesdays starting November 17, at 8pm.

Witness the science behind amazing stunts and experiments in a fast-paced top 20 countdown, from the funniest down to the most clever homemade Youtube videos. Joining the show are scientists and experts all ready to analyze the clips, complete with gorgeous storytelling graphics that will leave viewers in awe.Tune in for the new season premiere of ‘You Have Been Warned’ this November 25, Wednesday, at 10pm.