Before C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia hit the silver screen, TRUMPETS staged a musical adaptation of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe; the second out of seven stories in a high fantasy series for children. The musical opened doors that whisked us into that magical land where an Ice Queen ruled for a millennia until a Lion’s ultimate sacrifice broke her curse and fulfilled a prophecy that placed two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve onto their thrones.
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was heralded by its audience and given rave reviews by its critics. The show had three successful runs, but it has been twelve years since theater goers have had a chance to travel to Narnia. This November, TRUMPETS invites to take the journey back as they present The Horse and His Boy.

TRUMPETS President, Audie Gemora, said: “TRUMPETS has always been at the forefront of family oriented fantasy productions: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Little Mermaid, and Bluebird of Happiness. Now comes its latest offering, an original epic adventure based on another beloved book from CS Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia. As always, expect a great ride!”
Step-son of author C.S. Lewis, Douglas Gresham, praised TRUMPETS for their adaptation of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. When asked about TRUMPETS’ return to the lands of Narnia, he said: “Of all the Narnian Chronicles, The Horse and His Boy seems to be a favorite of many people. It’s a story that could only happen in the astonishing world of Narnia. Oh, we can read the book here in this shadowy world, but to hear the story happen and see it unfold, one must journey to Narnia! And Trumpets Theatre is making that possible with their wonderful new Narnian stage play.”
Unlike The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe The Horse and His Boy will be a play, or an epic adventure, as the company calls it. Though TRUMPETS may deviating from a path we’re accustomed to seeing in their productions, it allows them to captivate theater audiences with a combination of live action and the use of different storytelling techniques to bring characters and the world to life.
The Horse and His Boy is the fifth story in The Chronicles of Narnia and takes place in the neighboring country of Calormen where a young orphan named, Shasta, and a captured Narnian horse named, Bree, escape a life of slavery and servitude by riding off to the north. As they make their way, they meet a young aristocrat, Aravis, and her Narnian horse, Hwin, who are also the on run. Together, they cross deserts, encounter great challenges, and uncover sinister plots against Narnia and its nearby territories.
The Horse and His Boy begin their journey at the Meralco Theater from November 6 to November 22.
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