Disney Junior Asia has released a social video featuring an Augmented Reality stunt that took place in Southeast Asia. As part of the “Disney Junior Magical Moments” campaign, the video captures the surprise and excitement of families as a bus stoptransports them into the magical world of Disney Junior -with special character surprises from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sofia the First, Miles from Tomorrowland and The Lion Guard, as well as a real life magical appearance from Mickey Mouse. The heart-warming video can be viewed on the Disney Junior Asia YouTube page: https://youtu.be/zyMqAOaIHU8.
The social video is part of Disney Junior Asia’s integrated campaign bringing to life and celebrating “Magical Moments” on the channel throughout September, where preschoolers and families are invited into a world of storytelling, imagination and fun. From 1 August to 18 September, families are invited to share a short video or photo of their little one’s magical moments on Disney Junior Asia’s Facebook page. The best moments will be featured on-air every Friday from 7.30am (INDO/TH) and 8.30am (MY/SG/PH) during brand new episodes of some of your favorite Disney Junior series.
Make sure to tune in every Friday in September to catch Brand New Episodes and to create magical moments with your little one!
2 September, Friday, 9AM: Miles from Tomorrowland “How to build a Robot-Pet/ Career Day”
9 September, Friday, 8.30AM: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse “Mickey’s Sport-y-Thon”
16 September, Friday, 10AM: Sofia the First “Beauty is the Beast”
23 September, Friday, 9.30AM: The Lion Guard “Bunga and the King”
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