On Thursday, December 01, the biggest names in Manila’s fashion scene converged at the Green Sun in Anima, in Makati city as hot, young designer Kaye Morales unveiled her newest street-wear collection, Identity. Inspired by pop culture and touches of the designer’s multi-faceted personality, the collection was a hit among the hundreds in attendance.

“It’s a tough world in this industry. I almost gave up, but I kept telling myself: I will never give up,” said Kaye Morales in her opening speech, “This show is for all those dreamers out there. For all those who wanted to celebrate love and equality. This is Identity!”
Her inspiration shined through the event as models strutted down the runway, showcasing Identity’s signature androgynous look. The show came to an emotional climax when real life couple Jujin Samonte and Paulo Castro kissed in the middle of the ramp, garnering a thunderous applause from the audience.
“Identity is a collection for everyone,” shared one of the party guests, “It’s only a matter of time before we start seeing its influence take the streets in a big way.”
On hand for the party were Kaye Morales’ muses, a collection of models and musicians who have inspired her work. Among the muses and performers were the Zombettes (Sanya Smith and Ornussa Cadness), Kat Agarrado, MC Marga Bermudez, Jose Cuervo’s Kat DJ and KZ Tandingan, who supplied the perfect soundtrack for “Identity”.
“Such an amazing night!” said a friend of Kaye’s, “From the muses, to the collection, and the music, I couldn’t think of a better way to kick off the season. Kaye Morales set a benchmark tonight that’s going to be hard for any other designer to top!”