Cats are very adorable pets, but as much as their meows can bring a smile to our faces, they can make us go me-oouuuuccch too.
Animal Planet’s My Cat from Hell is back for its seventh season with the continuing adventures of Jackson Galaxy, who travels from Los Angeles to New York helping cat families in need. Jackson deals with some of the worst cases of cat-on-cat and cat-on-human aggression he has ever seen. From humans that just don’t understand their animals to cats that are in need, Jackson has one goal: to help change people’s lives, one cat at a time.
The new season of My Cat from Hell premieres April 20, Wednesdays, 9 PM.

Thirty years after the worst nuclear catastrophe in history, which sent a plume of highly radioactive fallout exploding into the atmosphere,biologist Rob Nelson and Anthropologist Mary-Ann Ochota are the first scientists to be permitted unlimited access to the areas surrounding the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plantto investigate how the environment and wildlife have been affected after 30 years in the most contaminated area on earth.
While they are able to stay for as long as needed to conduct their research, both experts need to make sure the radiation exposure in their bodies does not reach unacceptably high levels. And ultimately, what they discover about the effects of high radiation doses on animal and plant life in the region astonishes and surprises them.
The new one-off, Life After: Chernobyl,premieres April 26, Tuesdays, 9 PM.