There are many great reasons why you should bring out your Mastercard every time you travel. From special prices on the best flights to your favorite places, to exclusive privileges en route, and of course, while fully experiencing your chosen destination.
Well, there are two particularly amazing reasons to use your Mastercard with Singapore Airlines right now – The Great Singapore Airlines Getaway with Mastercard. Flying to your dream destinations in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and the USA is made more rewarding via this special promotion exclusive for Mastercard cardholders until September 24 only.
First, use your Mastercard t0 book tickets on Singapore Airlines and its regional airline Silk Air for travel period from October 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018to receive exclusive offers on flights, starting at just USD 160 for Singapore, to USD 970 for the U.S. on economy.
Check out the complete listing of countries and flight offers at or the Singapore Air mobile app and use the promo code FLYSQMC.

You can also choose to fly with one of the leading carriers in Asia Pacific, Silk Air, by visiting or the SilkAir mobile app. Use the promo code SILKAIRMC to avail of special prices just for Mastercard cardholders.
Second, is all the rewards you can get your hands on when you’re traveling plans take you on a stopover in Singapore. When you book 2 round trip tickets for you and a companion of the same itinerary on Singapore Airlines using your Mastercard, you can enjoy a free Singapore Stopover Holiday.
That includes a complimentary one-night stay in a participating hotel, airport and hotel transfers, and free admission to Singapore’s most popular attractions. Kris Flyer members can even earn double the miles when you couple your flight with a hotel booking through Agoda and car rentals via You’ll even receive a SGD10 eVoucher for Singapore Airlines’ inflight retail store, KrisShop.
Enjoy more enriching travel experiences with Singapore Airlines when you use your Mastercard!Known for providing Priceless experiences wherever you may be in the world, Mastercard treats each cardholder to wonderful, unique offers that lets you shop, dine, play and discover more every time you travel.
Remember to book now for exclusive prices and perks with The Great Singapore Airlines Getaway with Mastercard only until September 24. Per DTI-FTEB Permit No. 10258 Series of 2017.