Known for the iconic classic blockbuster “Back to the Future” franchise, Michael J. Fox is back in the modern-day comedy adventure movie “A.R.C.H.I.E. (Artificial Robotronic Canine Hyper-Intelligence Experiment).”
As Isabel and Archie’s paths connect, they find a bond and become fast friends helping out and relying on each other for company. Things are going well for both Isabel and Archie until a con artist named Hugh (Fred Ewanuick) tries to steal Archie for his own evil plans.
“Archie” explores the universal themes on the power of friendship, the importance of being true
to one’s self, and what it means to belong. This humorous yet heartfelt story also explores themes of putting aside one’s own ambitions to do the right thing.
“Archie” opens June 7 in cinemas from CrystalSky Multimedia.