PLDT wireless unit Smart Communications, Inc. (Smart) has boosted the learning programs of Balayan East Central School in Balayan City in Batangas through the Central Visayan Institute Foundation Dynamic Learning Program (CVIF-DLP) and the donation of desktop computers and connectivity support.

“The CVIF-DLP is a crisis-resilient and pandemic-tested teaching strategy that works whether schools adopt printed modules, online classes, or broadcast media to teach students. In Schoolyear 2020-2021 alone, more than a thousand public schools have adopted the program to augment government efforts,” said Stephanie Orlino, Assistant Vice President and Head of Stakeholder Management at PLDT and Smart.
Developed by Ramon Magsaysay awardees – Dr. Christopher Bernido and the late Dr. Maria Victoria Bernido – the CVIF-DLP is a teaching pedagogy that encourages independent learning among students. The program makes extensive use of the CVIF-DLP Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) that help improve learner outcomes even with little to no teacher or parent intervention.

Technology has played a key role in ensuring that learning continues even in the middle of the public health crisis. That’s why Smart also complemented the initiative with the donation of refurbished desktop computers and connectivity support.
“The CVIF-DLP will make it easier for our teachers to plan their lessons and activities as they can customize existing Learning Activity Sheets into the needs of their class. And with the connectivity support from Smart, they can immediately send out these learning materials to their students or their parents,” said Balayan East Central School principal Dr. Loida Rosales.
“Technology is key in ensuring that the education sector survives the pandemic. With the use of different gadgets and platforms, we are able to deliver instructions and information to our learners,” said Dr. Lolita Garcia, EdD., Balayan East Public Schools District Supervisor, Department of Education – Schools Division Office Batangas.
The CVIF-DLP has been supported by Smart and PLDT-Smart Foundation for over a decade to roll out programs that promote inclusive quality education, ensuring that no learner is left behind.
Along with its parent company PLDT, Smart creates and support various educational initiatives, in line with the commitment to help the nation achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals #4: Quality Education.