[L-R] Capt. Allan Sarmiento, General Manager for Wilhelmsen Smith Bell Manning Inc, Anette Hoey, Vice President of Marine Personnel for Wilhelmsen Ship Management, Rev. Fr. Florentino S. Concepcion, Mission Director for Bahay at Yaman, Marie Loise Allen G. Santiago, Psychometrician for Bahay at YamanWilhelmsen Ship Management (Wilhelmsen), the global leader in maritime recruitment and fleet management, donates to Bahay at Yaman, a local shelter for children in Bustos Bulacan, for the construction of a culinary facility. This social initiative hopes to give the children of the local shelter the opportunity to attain technical-vocational skills in culinary that they can use as life skills or as a career.
Wilhelmsen’s corporate philanthropy initiative is structured to give back to the local community in that the company operates. Other social investment projects in partnership with NGOs are also in the company’s pipeline. Most of Wilhelmsen’s projects are focused on adding value to the home to be self-sustainable and also enriching the children with life skills.
The Philippines is the world’s biggest supplier of seafarers. For 43 years, the country has been a major recruitment pool of highly skilled seafarers for Wilhelmsen.