A premier club of photographers, Zone V Camera Club and PLDT Home continue with their mission of building online learning hubs for underprivileged youth with students of ERDA SaBaNa (Educational Research and Development Assistance, Samahan ng mga Batang Nananambakan) in Tondo, Manila as the latest beneficiary.
To empower the students to do better in school and in life, Zone V Camera Club donated computers while PLDT Home provided a 400 Mbps broadband connection for the next two years. Jointly, Zone V Camera Club and PLDT Home have refurbished ERDA’s computer room to make it more conducive for learning, while the walls and tables have also been repainted. A mural on one wall was painted to depict the modern-day life of the students in Tondo, Manila, and how they cope with digital learning.
Beneficiary ERDA SaBaNa Foundation in Tondo has been providing educational assistance including school supplies, bags and uniforms, tutorials and workshops, and leadership and life skills training for disadvantaged children to experience holistic education. ERDA has so far assisted more than 800,000 children in their school and real-life education since 1974.
These kids belong to the generation of digital natives, but they don’t have access to computers at home or the physical space to concentrate on researching for their class assignments. PLDT Home’s connections mean they now have a wealth of information at their fingertips to aid them in their school education, so that they may satisfy their curious minds and their thirst for knowledge about the world around them. This will also give them access to educational videos without lag and download or upload faster.
Last year, Zone V Camera Club chose Assumption Development Foundation (ADF) in Sapang Palay, Bulacan as the first beneficiary of their flagship project, Images of H.O.P.E (Helping Others Prosper and Excel). Zone V sells printed photos taken by its members to raise funds and build more online learning hubs for underprivileged Filipino students while PLDT Home provides the broadband connection.
Zone V Camera Club was founded in 1978 through the help of the late professional photographer Vic Valenciano. Club members are composed of professional photographers and enthusiasts who won in various local and international photography competitions.