To help send disadvantaged youths to school, Chevron Philippines Inc. (CPI), marketer of the Caltex brand of fuels and lubricants, together with its shared services center, Chevron Holdings Inc., sponsored the recent 9th AmCham Eat and Run ScholaRUN at the Liwasang Ulalim, CCP Complex, Pasay City.
The run-for-a-cause is an annual event by the American Chamber Foundation Philippines, Inc. (ACFPI) to help raise funds for its scholarship program. ACFPI supports underprivileged youth through various development and education initiatives.
The scholarship enables students in high school, college, and vocational courses to fund their tuition fees and school supplies and provides allowance and guidance all to way to their on-the-job training. At least 2,000 former AmCham scholars were able to finish their studies since the program started which Chevron has always supported.

About 175 employees from CHI and CPI joined the run in support of the AmCham Foundation’s cause. The event registered over 3,000 runners.
“We have been a long-time partner of AmCham and its initiatives and programs. Through this activity, we were able to further strengthen our relationship and commitment to the foundation as well as our support to their scholars. We trust that through our collective efforts, students get a chance to have a better life and more opportunities to succeed,” shared Chevron Human Resources Regional Manager Mark Quebral.
“It’s a great feeling knowing that your mere presence and participation is already helping underprivileged students in their studies. As added bonus, you also get to do something good for yourself through exercising and staying active. Chevron believes in AmCham’s cause of contributing to the community and helping people in need, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with them and supporting their other events and activities,” CHI General Manager Ethan Flowers shared.
At the awards ceremony after the run, CHI Corporate Affairs Manager Arlita Narag accepted a plaque of appreciation as AmCham’s co-presenter of the 9th ScholaRUN. Hammering on its unique eat-and-run concept, participants got to taste American favorites such as pizza, burgers and donuts upon reaching the pit stop. The 9th Eat and Run ScholaRUN featured categories in 200M, 3K, 5K, 10K and 21K.
“We are very happy with the turnout and the general mood of the run. We are, after all, doing this for students and youth in need, so we are beyond grateful to all who participated. Currently, we have 50 scholars studying vocational technology at Don Bosco Makati. All the proceeds from our fundraising events, including the ScholaRUN – Eat & Run, go to our scholarship programs. So as always, we appreciate our sponsors, partners and participants who made this event possible,” said Edwin Feist, President of ACFPI.