Chevron, one of the country’s oldest and biggest investors, together with American Chambers Foundation Philippines, Inc. (ACFPI or AmCham), recently co-presented the annual AmCham Foundation ScholaCOLORrun at Liwasang Ulalim, CCP Complex, Pasay City.
Now in its tenth year, the run-for-a-cause campaign is organized by ACFPI to raise funding for the formal education of underprivileged yet deserving youths. ACFPI is a private and non-profit association geared to help Philippine and American businesses contribute to the Philippines’ civic and economic development.
This year, a total of 3,247 runners participated in the colorful event alongside 190 employees from Chevron Philippines Inc. (CPI) and Chevron Holdings Inc. (CHI). The event featured a 3-km, 5-km, 10-km, and 15-km run as well as a 200-meter dash for kids 7 years old and below.
The proceeds of the run will help send 10 scholars to various colleges and universities across the country. The foundation has helped over 2,800 beneficiaries throughout its 38-year run.
Participants were provided race kits consisting of a race shirt, sunglasses, and a complimentary loot bag, with finishers taking home a medal. At the awards ceremony, CPI HR Manager Marife Jose received a plaque of appreciation as AmCham’s co-presenter of the 10th ScholaRUN.
“Chevron has been a strong supporter of AmCham Foundation’s education programs for many years now. The success of the ScholaCOLORun shows that people will come together for a fun and healthy activity while serving a larger social purpose,” shared CHI Corporate Affairs Manager Arlita Narag.
“Beyond financial support, we aim to foster an environment where every young mind has the opportunity to thrive regardless of their upbringing. With much gratitude, we thank Chevron for its generous sponsorship of the event and its continued support in our educational endeavors,” said President of ACFPI Edwin Feist.
“Chevron has a long history of fruitful partnership with the AmCham Foundation. AmCham espouses youth education and our collaboration for this event aligns well with our company’s thrust of bringing out the full potential of people. In addition to helping scholars via the ScholaRUN, we also promote wellness to our employees by supporting their participation in this annual run,” added CPI HR Manager Marife Jose.
Chevron and AmCham have helped host communities in Batangas acquire skills that help with employment both here and abroad. The two organizations have partnered for Chevron’s institutional Fuel Your School program nationwide, in training voc-tech scholars at Don Bosco Pugad, and co-presented the ScholaRUN since its inception 10 years ago.
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