The action-packed thriller Topakk, produced by Nathan Studios, Fusee, and Strawdogs, continues to make waves internationally and locally. From Cannes to its world premiere at the Locarno Film Festival, the film is now an official entry to the 2024 Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF).
Directed by Richard V. Somes, Topakk is centered on a former special forces operative battling PTSD whose path intersects with a brother and sister both on the run from criminal forces. Topakk showcases a career-defining turn by lead stars Arjo Atayde and Julia Montes.
Atayde’s performance captivated film aficionados in Cannes; Locarno;and Austin, Texas – where he personally graced screenings to represent the film.
1) The film’s international title, “Triggered”, helped expand its appeal to a global audience, where it received praise for its unique approach to action and psychological drama.
2) Topakk features themes of redemption, mental health, and corruption, told through intense action sequences and emotional depth.
3) Viewers at international screenings reacted strongly, with many praising the film’s raw intensity and powerful performances.
4) Julia Montes steps into a gritty, action-packed role unlike any she’s done before, earning recognition for her versatility and emotional depth.
5) Cinematographer Louie Quirino delivers striking visuals that heighten the film’s tension and drama, complemented by Jose Antonio Buencamino’s evocative score.
6) Produced by a powerhouse team – Nathan Studios, Fusee, and Strawdogs – Topakk highlights the capabilities of Filipino filmmakers to deliver world-class productions.
7) The ensemble cast features standout performances from Arjo Atayde, Julia Montes, Sid Lucero, Enchong Dee, Kokoy de Santos, Levy Ignacio, Bernard Palanca, Paolo Paraiso, Vin Abrenica, Cholo Barretto, Julio De Leon, Ivan Carapiet, Jeffrey Tam, Gerard Acao, Michael Roy, Maureen Mauricio, Elora Espano, Claire Ruiz, Anne Feo, Bong Cabrera, Manu Respall, Rosh Barman, Victor Medina, Ivan Rivera, Ian Lee, Nico Dans, Yian Gabriel, Raquel Pareno, Precious Laingo, Kayley Carrigan, and Geli Bulaong – bringing life to the film’s complex characters.
8) Director Richard V. Somes’ vision for the film was heavily influenced by his interest in blending high-stakes action with socially relevant themes.
For updates on Topakk, follow Nathan Studios on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok or visit their official Linktree