The Presidential Communications Office (PCO) sought the support of the Mother Earth Foundation (MEF) in leading its employees towards zero-waste living. The comprehensive eight-hour training and workshop informed its participants on the various principles and practices that are key to adopting sustainable habits.
The goal of the workshop was to enable and empower PCO employees to reduce their overall negative impacts on the environment through simple yet powerful practices reflecting a zero-waste lifestyle.
In the span of one day, the participants were trained on Inner Ecology, Salient Points on Republic Act 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000), Understanding Sustainable Waste Solutions and Embracing Zero Waste and Circular Economy Principles. MEF Program Officer Jayson Noveda employed training methodologies such as Interactive Presentation, Self-Reflection and Goal Setting, Temperature Checking, World Café, Action Planning, and Zero Waste Pledge throughout the workshop, which engaged the PCO employees in meaningful ways.
“I’m glad that a government office like the Presidential Communications Office approached Mother Earth Foundation to capacitate its employees to implement zero waste. Always remember that we can achieve zero waste most especially if everyone of us will be engaged and committed. This is not about PCO alone but everyone shares responsibility,” says Noveda.
Mother Earth Foundation Executive Director Ludwig Federigan, who shared the valuable role of living zero waste, said “living zero waste is important for promoting environmental sustainability, conserving natural resources, protecting public health, empowering communities, and fostering a more resilient and equitable society. While achieving zero waste may be challenging, every small step towards reducing waste counts and contributes to a more sustainable future for generations to come.”
A philosophy that encourages the redesign of resource life cycles so that all products are reused and recycled, Zero Waste is designed with nature in mind, where resources are reused and no thing is left to waste.
The action planning and zero waste pledge in particular, provided a challenge and source of wisdom for the participants.
PCO’s Supervising Administrative Officer for General Services Division, Jerald M. Baustista, highlights how the zero waste training and workshop have been beneficial for their team. “This zero waste training and workshop is truly beneficial to us. It’s a big help to be equipped in implementing zero waste principles in our office. Because of this, we will accept the challenge to implement zero waste management in our office,” he explained.
Zero Waste trainings, workshops, and seminars are needed now more than ever in workspaces. According to the National Solid Waste Management Commission, solid waste from institutional sources such as government offices, educational and medical institutions accounts for about 12 percent while the remaining 4 percent of waste comes from the industrial or manufacturing sector as of 2016. Meanwhile, solid wastes generated from residential sources accounts for more than half (57 percent) of the total solid wastes. Wastes from commercial sources, which include commercial establishments and public/private markets, accounts for 27 percent.
Partnership between Mother Earth Foundation and the Presidential Communications Office, where the intent is to raise awareness on zero waste and sustainability, are crucial in a society that seeks to solve its waste crisis and create a cleaner and just future.