ABS-CBN was recognized as TV Station of the Year at the recently held 25th SKAL International Tourism Personality Awards, where morning talk show “Kris TV” was also named a Hall of Famer in the travel show category.“Kris TV” host and Queen of All Media Kris Aquino was also enshrined in the Hall of Fame this time for the SKAL International Tourism TV Host category. Her son Bimby, on the other hand, was named as the SKAL International Youngest Tourism Media Personality.
The SKAL International Tourism Personality Awards is an annual event that honors individuals for their contributions to the tourism industry. The awards are handed out by different chapters of SKAL International, a group of travel and tourism professionals that was established in 1932 that aims to promote global tourism and friendship. The 25th SKAL Awards also marked the SKAL-Makati chapter’s 34th anniversary.
The SKAL Award is ABS-CBN’s 13th Best TV Station award this year.