Author: Team Orange

Team Orange

TEAM ORANGE is Orange Magazine TV's select contributors. It also contains Press Releases. Please follow @OrangeMagTV on Twitter for other updates.

Kaspersky Lab, a leading secure content and threat management solutions developer, recently analyzed the Flashfake botnet and discovered a massive number of infected computers worldwide, most likely running Mac OS X. The botnet is being distributed via infected websites as a Java applet that pretends to be an update for the Adobe Flash Player. About 670,000 computers worldwide, 98 percent of them running Mac OS X, were infected by Flashfake. Kaspersky Lab attests that this is the largest Mac-based infection to date, with the largest number of victims targeting developed countries. The United States had the most infected computers (300,917)…

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The University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman will represent the Philippines in the final phase of the second edition of Indra Future Minds, an international university competition, sponsored by Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading multinational in Europe and Latin America. Winners of the competition shall be given the opportunity to join Indra in the subsidiary of the country of the student

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