Author: Team Orange

Team Orange

TEAM ORANGE is Orange Magazine TV's select contributors. It also contains Press Releases. Please follow @OrangeMagTV on Twitter for other updates.

What is garbage for one person, might be treasure for another! Every day in America, thousands of abandoned storage houses are put up for public auction. With over US$1 billion worth of goods changing hands each year, these auctions have become big business and can only mean one thing for those who know what they are looking for

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Nokia announced the Nokia Asha 310, a new Dual SIM smartphone with Wi-Fi support to help people get more out of the Internet, for less. The powerful combination of Dual SIM plus Wi-Fi in the same device, a first for Nokia smartphones, gives consumers the best of both worlds by offeringtheflexibility to enjoy more mobile experiences while managing their costs. The Nokia Asha 310 also comes packed with great apps and games that are the hallmark of the Nokia Asha range. Swap SIM cards to suit your lifestyle With Nokia

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Journey mainstay Neal Schon, the only member of the globally renowned arena band who’s been there since day one, has just released his latest solo venture — an all instrumental album he recorded on a four-day creative spree right after putting the finishing touches to his band’s last album “Eclipse.” The album entitled “The Calling” is instantly interesting considering it is “showcasing a side of Schon that isn

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