Business École Ducasse embarks on a culinary journey in Manila around healthy and sustainable Alain Ducasse’s philosophyBy Team OrangeNovember 24, 2023724 École Ducasse, the esteemed recipient of the World’s Best Culinary Training Institution for 2023 at the prestigious World Culinary Awards…
Business Enderun unveils “The Best of École Ducasse” event with acclaimed pastry chef, Etienne IrazoquiBy Team OrangeAugust 21, 20230 Enderun Colleges is pleased to showcase “The Best of École Ducasse” on August 12, 2023, at the Enderun campus in…
Education From the Philippines to Michelin Stardom: The Inspiring Journey of a Young Chef in ItalyBy Team OrangeApril 21, 20230 “The character traits and work ethic that I acquired and honed as a student are the same qualities I strive…